Please submit proposals (up to 1 page) in MS Word or RTF format by email to the official email address of the conference
The proposal should include the following information:
Title: Propose a title of the special session.
Abstract: Introduce a brief abstract of no more that approximately 100 words that allows conference attendees to understand the topic and the focus of the special session.
Organizers: Provide a list of organizers with their affiliations and contacts and confirm you agree that this information will appear on the conference web.
Important: IFSA-EUSFLAT Conference is open to any topics related to the fuzzy set theory from the theoretical as well as application point of view, other topics from the area of the computational intelligence, or topics from machine learning, computational linguistics, rough sets or quantum structures etc. are highly welcome and encouraged to build special sessions or even special tracks.
Deadline for the special session proposals: October 31, 2020
We are encouraging you to submit a novel, non-published scientific paper. The paper should not be published before and should meet the conference scopes. Before writing a paper, download and use our template.
Submitted abstracts are supposed to be of at most 1-page length. There is neither LaTeX nor MS Word format template as just a plain text is expected. The authors should submit their papers electronically, through EasyChair. Do not forget to include your affiliation in the abstract.