EUSFLAT Student Grants Program

Overall information

In standard (pre-COVID) years, the EUSFLAT Society awarded a number of Student Grants aimed at partially covering expenses for taking part in the EUSFLAT conference. A Student Grant holder is usually either exempted from paying the student registration fee, or, the registration fee is significantly lowered.

The EUSFLAT web page keeps a record of past grant holders in order to guarantee transparency. For further details please visit the official EUSFLAT Student Grants Program page

The case of IFSA-EUSFLAT 2021

  • Based on the non-standard conditions caused by the COVID-19 world pandemic, EUSFLAT Board approved the request of the conference organizers and to reconsider utilization of the student grant system. The budget allocated to support students will not be used for a limited number of grant competition winners but will be applied to reduce the registration fees for ALL student participants.
  • IFSA Council as followed this initiative and confirmed the support students providing an equal, to EUSFLAT, financial contribution.
  • Consequently, the registration fee discount is ensured for all students from the budgets of these two societies regardless the membership of students.
  • Additionally, student members of EUSFLAT or other IFSA societies will receive another discount following the official rules and guidelines.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to EUSFLAT as well as to IFSA. Their support, vision, strategy and partnership are highly appreciated and make an example worthy following.